Las Vegas Real Estate Photography and Matterport Pricing

Las Vegas Real Estate Photography Pricing

Las Vegas Matterport and Real Estate Photography Pricing 1

REal Estate Photos

30 Still Pictures - $125

(Without Matterport)
30 Pics
Images are MLS Ready.

50 Still Pictures - $175

(Without Matterport)
50 Pics
Images are MLS Ready.

100 Still Pictures - $225

(Without Matterport)
100 Pics
Images are MLS Ready.

Floorplan - Free

Floorplans with measurements.
FREE with all Photoshoots
$50 without a Photo Shoot

Zillow 3D Home - $50

Authorized Zillow Camera and Photographer. Submitted directly to the listing.

Twilight Fee - $50

$50 will be added to the base price for any Twilight shoot.

Las Vegas Matterport Virtual Tour PRICING

Las Vegas Matterport and Real Estate Photography Pricing 2

1000 to 2000 Square Feet

Residential or Commercial
$ 150
  • One Time Fee
  • Scan Completed in 1 Hour

2001 to 3000 Square Feet

Residential or Commercial
$ 175
  • One Time Fee
  • Scan Completed in 1.5 Hours

3001 to 4000 Square Feet

Residential or Commercial
$ 250
  • One Time Fee
  • Scan Completed in 2.5 hours

4001 to 5000 Square Feet

Residential or Commercial
$ 325
  • One Time Fee
  • Scan Completed in 3 Hours

5000 Square Feet and up are priced after a consultation call.

Matterport Scans are hosted on Matterport Servers. 

First 30 days of hosting are free.

Then a fee of $10 per month will be billed by Full House Web Marketing.

30 Still Pictures Add On - $30

(Must include Matterport Purchase)
Images are MLS Ready and taken from a Matterport Scan. Matterport Pricing is based on square footage.

50 Still Pictures Add On - $50

(Must include Matterport Purchase)
Images are MLS Ready and taken from a Matterport Scan. Matterport Pricing is based on square footage.

Real Estate Videos

Video Walkthrough - Starting at $200

3 Minute Video with Music Background.

Neighborhood Video - Pricing Varies

3 Minute Video with Music Background.

Drone Photography

Drone Shots with Matterport

Drone pictures of front of house, top of house, backyard, neighborhood, and nearby parks.

Las Vegas Matterport and Real Estate Photography Pricing 3

Drone Shots

Drone pictures of front of house, top of house, backyard, neighborhood, and nearby parks.

Las Vegas Matterport and Real Estate Photography Pricing 4

Drone Video

Short videos of house and neighborhood that can be used on social media.

*Drone shots are subject to FAA regulations, and may not be possible at all locations.

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